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Topic review


/console with UTF8 support


I am using winscp without any problems with following commands to sync my servers fotos to a remote server:
F:\SyncFolder\winscp421.exe /console /script=syncscript.txt /log=synclog.txy

The syncscript contains:
# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall
# the script on errors
option batch continue
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect
open scp:// -privatekey=F:\SyncFolder\privatekey.ppk
# sync from local to remote
keepuptodate  F:\Http\fotos /root/fotos
# Exit WinSCP

My problem is some of the directories in the source folder is being creates using special characters like ñ, since we are in Spain.
When I send using winscp.exe gui the upload is fine and I can see the same in the target server but using the script above ñ is converted to something like ?321.

Is there anyway I can upload these folders using the script above with support utf8?
