Re: download problem (Bug ?)
Thanks for your ideas. I appreciate it :-)
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
And consequently, I lose the performace benefit.
It is possible, but it would indeed complicate your code if you would have to examine the replies and then need to launch new reads to 'fill the gaps'.
I can imagine that it is possible to do queuing even without the limitation.
I believe the RFC states that the data packets do not need to be filled completely.
You can only be sure that a file is complete when the server sends an EOF status reply.
For normal disk files, it is normally guaranteed that this will read the specified number of bytes, or up to end of file. However, if the read length is very long, the server may truncate it if it doesn't support packets of that length. See General Packet Format (Section 3).