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Topic review


bobmorgan wrote:

so the current version is WinSCP 4.2.4 beta. So does that automatically make 4.2.3 now GA and not beta. Just trying to understand what is considered bleeding edge and what is stable.

No it does not. Stable is 4.1.9 only now.

Oh and by the way , almost forgot - THANK YOU for all of your work on this product, it is very appreciated

so the current version is WinSCP 4.2.4 beta. So does that automatically make 4.2.3 now GA and not beta. Just trying to understand what is considered bleeding edge and what is stable.

Re: when is beta not beta

bmorgan wrote:

I noticed various releases with the "beta" designation - do these ever go into a general release (ie - stable) mode. What is the general timeframe for this to happen?

The next release will be the last one from 4.2.x series with new features. The later releases will be fixing bugs until I consider 4.2.x series stable enough to release non-beta version.

Re: when is beta not beta

bmorgan wrote:

I noticed various releases with the "beta" designation - do these ever go into a general release (ie - stable) mode. What is the general timeframe for this to happen?

This is a google-way but originally not the right way to go.

Though the software is quite evolved and much less buggy than real Betaware (like e.g. WinSCP :) - oh yes!) they name it beta, so nobody can complain about bugs.

I prefere this new way. Because i don't like to be the betatester all the time ;-)

when is beta not beta

I noticed various releases with the "beta" designation - do these ever go into a general release (ie - stable) mode. What is the general timeframe for this to happen?