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Re: Synchronize issues from local to remote in automated script

I sent you a private email with the config file and log output

martin wrote:

Can you post an output of the script execution as you can see it on a console?

Also definitely change the slashes to backslashes when you are specifying the local path for synchronize command.

Re: Synchronize issues from local to remote in automated script

Can you post an output of the script execution as you can see it on a console?

Also definitely change the slashes to backslashes when you are specifying the local path for synchronize command.

Synchronize issues from local to remote in automated script

I have an automated script where I would like to transfer files from local to a remote machine
such that the config.txt file has the following

option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer binary
#synchronize directories
synchronize remote -delete h:/logs/archive /opt/logs/archive

batch script to kick off
net use h:\\
winscp.exe /console /script=config.txt

when I execute the script it appears to be copying files to the remote directories, but does not copy them. am I using the remote -delete in the wrong place. Essentially what is ever is in local, I would like to transfer to the remote directory
I tried 'put' but that did not work as it was documented
thank you in advance