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Topic review


martin wrote:

novasource wrote:

Are you sure about this? This is the only product that I've used that requires a reboot to update shell extensions.

What products do not need it?

7Zip, Git Extensions, Microsoft Office 2007, etc. etc.

novasource wrote:

Are you sure about this? This is the only product that I've used that requires a reboot to update shell extensions.

What products do not need it?

Are you sure about this? This is the only product that I've used that requires a reboot to update shell extensions.

Re: Please give a reboot option when installing silently

There's /norestart switch in the installer. I have added this to the documentation.

Please give a reboot option when installing silently

I can understand the program needing a reboot to initialize some drag and drop features. However, if someone is trying to do a silent install, this prevents it from occurring. Most all setup programs that allow for silent installs provide this switch.

If possible, please add it it into the installation process or remove and include it in a readme.

Thank you

Ah, makes sense. Most of the time I'm dragging and dropping between the local and remote views of the app so that's probably why I didn't notice.

Thanks for the info!

Re: Restart after install

WinSCP includes drag&drop shell extension. For a new version of the extension to be loaded, your windows shell needs to be restarted. So actually it does not require you to restart, just to log off/log on. If you do not use drag&drop between WinSCP and other applications you do not need to restart.

Restart after install

I'm curious as to why the setup wizard thinks I need to restart my computer after every upgrade of the software? (currently using 4.1.4. I can't imagine what critical system files WinSCP would be writing so rebooting seems pointless. WinSCP seems to work fine without a reboot, so please take that 'requirement' out of the installer unless there is some really, really good reason for having it in there :)
