Hi prikryl,
I just tried to specific the 21 port in the OPEN command and it works. Thanks for reminding me about the port number.
Problem solved. Thanks.
I want to use FTP. In the UI mode I select FTP protocal with port number 22 and it get through. Just have problem with the console/script version. I didn't even specific the port number when using the OPEN command.
The UI mode is not practical to me as I have a lot of websites, with the UI mode I have to manually do the transfer task.
22 is SSH port not FTP. So what protocol do you need to use actually?
Please note that when I using the dialog version, I select "FTP" protocal and the "22" port.
It can be connect properly using the dialog version , but have problem when it come to script
below is my script
open [user]:[pwd]@ftp.myhost.com
It return "Network Error: Connection Refused
Then I try again:
open ftp://[user]:[pwd]@ftp.myhost.com
This time it return "Connection Failed"
Please help.