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Topic review


vartaxe wrote:

btw could we get acess to the preference dialog even without connecting to something that would be great. i think the best would be having to whole winscp gui open like i we would be connected to something but only showing our desktop files... or easier just add a button for it in the session dialog when we fire up winscp as we don't have acess to the whole winscp interface until we connect...

See documentation

vartaxe wrote:

is there a way to change the order of the stored session? would be a nice feature.

No they are sorted by alphabet.

also i noticed that we can add shortcuts to the shell context menu but how can we remove they?

I have added an answer to documentation:

btw could we get acess to the preference dialog even without connecting to something that would be great. i think the best would be having to whole winscp gui open like i we would be connected to something but only showing our desktop files... or easier just add a button for it in the session dialog when we fire up winscp as we don't have acess to the whole winscp interface until we connect...


is there a way to change the order of the stored session? would be a nice feature.

also i noticed that we can add shortcuts to the shell context menu but how can we remove they?

Re: export/backup saved session

Please read documentation. If that does not help, come back.

export/backup saved session

would be a nice feature alowing export of saved sessions or backup just in case...