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Topic review


jag7720 wrote:

If you have a solution how about posting to the thread? Sending a private email defeats the purpose of the forum.

Too long ago, but I probably did not do not have a solution. I probably wanted to ask for some sensitive information or provide a debug build of WinSCP to debug the problem.

I have sent you an email


If you have a solution how about posting to the thread? Sending a private email defeats the purpose of the forum.

Re: Cannot close "Host is not communicating" dialog

I have sent you an email.

Cannot close "Host is not communicating" dialog

Under various circumstances, I get the "Host is not communicating for more than 15 seconds. Still waiting..." dialog with "Abort", and "Help" buttons, as well as the closing "X" in the upper right-hand corner. (This is the same dialog as documented at

While I get the dialog for valid reasons, if the dialog appears while the desktop is unattended for several minutes, the dialog apparently cannot be closed upon return. Neither the "Abort" or "X" buttons appear to do anything. Either they don't close the dialog, or another identical dialog immediately appears in its place. The only possible way to continue is to kill the WinSCP.exe process.

It almost seems as if the code that checks for if the dialog should be displayed continues to check and spawn additional dialog display calls, even if the dialog is already being displayed.

In summary, the "Abort" button actually needs to "Abort" in all cases.
