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Re: call opens new sessions

schep021 wrote:

Is using SCP the only option?


Re: call opens new sessions

martin wrote:

You are probably connecting using SFTP protocol. Try using SCP instead.

You are correct! I was connecting with SFTP. I am now connecting with SCP and am able to issue a call command without being forced to log in multiple times. BUT, not the get command will not work (see below). Is using SCP the only option?

Here is what I get in the log files:
! 2011-02-14 16:16:06.335 scp: warning: Executing scp1.

! 2011-02-14 16:16:06.492 scp: FATAL: Executing ssh1 in compatibility mode failed (Check that scp1 is in your PATH).
< 2011-02-14 16:16:06.492 WinSCP: this is end-of-file:255
* 2011-02-14 16:16:06.492 (ECommand) Copying files from remote side failed.
* 2011-02-14 16:16:06.492 Cannot execute SCP to start transfer. Please make sure that SCP is installed on the server and path to it is included in PATH. You may also try SFTP instead of SCP.
* 2011-02-14 16:16:06.492 Command failed with return code 255.

Re: call opens new sessions

You are probably connecting using SFTP protocol. Try using SCP instead.

call opens new sessions

Hey all :)

Would you please assist me in opening a session that will allow execution of arbitrary remote command?

I open a session and then execute a call statements automatically open new sessions and force me to log in again. I would like to have to only log in once.

I read the documentation for the call command stating, "If current session does not allow execution of arbitrary remote command separate shell session will be automatically opened"