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inkster jim

What do you need to become a forum user


XML logging might be a solution, but then I have to rewrite a lot in my application :/

Re: - Both print and redirect output?

When output is redirected (does not matter if to file or pipe), the transfer status is not written.

There's no way to do what you ask for.

Maybe you can use logging instead of output redirection. Have you check XML logging?
lumax - Both print and redirect output?

Is it possible to both print the output in the console and redirect it to a file?
Today Im using /script=script.txt > output.txt, then I use a "tail.exe" to read the output file so I know whats going on. The problem is that does not write to output file until current action is completed, so I can't see transfer status (like speed) on big files.

I have tried to pipe the output to a program like tee.exe which print the output and then send it to output.txt, but when I do that the exit code comes from tee.exe (always success).