Reproduced it again. Seems to always happen...
I was able to reproduce it too. But luckily not with the upcoming major version (for which I use more modern IDE).
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Reproduced it again. Seems to always happen...
I was able to reproduce it too. But luckily not with the upcoming major version (for which I use more modern IDE).
Reproduced it again. Seems to always happen...
Off topic, I also found that WSCP sometimes may present some UI redraw problems like this:
It may happen if you change the pages on the lateral panel too fast, for example, by keeping up/down keyboard keys pressed for some time. I'm not sure if it'll always happen, or if it is related to my RAM being dirty in some way; I'll test again later.
After upgrading I decided to change my master password.
Before doing so, WSCP used to ask for password always when it was started, but now it asks only when trying to connect to a server.
I'd suggest master password prohibits the program to start if a wrong password is entered. It should not even display the servers I have saved in for those who don't know my password (the current behavior is to display servers, but not let connect).