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Re: Proxy settings won't work in script

So I suppose, you have read this:

So you have the stored session with the proxy settings. In the log, can you see that WinSCP is actually using the stored session? You need to have the very latest version of WinSCP to have this indication in the log file.

Proxy settings won't work in script

Hello, I understand how to run winscp using a script although I do not understand how to make it use proxy settings. I set the proxy settings in the GUI, but when I run the script the log still says Proxy: None

Does anyone know what would cause this? Is there a way to make the script force it to use proxy settings?

I am trying to use an HTTP proxy, on port 8000 with no username/password necessary. Can someone please help? I am losing my mind. I read other forum posts and the FAQ on this 100 times.

Thank you.