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Rhialto wrote:

Sometimes (I should say often) I want to drag a file from WinSCP to the desktop (Win7 64 & portable WinSCP) and sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. This is the first problem I want to report.

What does happen, when it does not work?

When it does not wotk, I must use the F5 (Copy) and what's annoying (and probably not intended) is that it does not remember the last path I selected. Yes the path I'm looking for is in the list, but it's not showing as the default one, even if it's the last one I've selected. So I must open the dropdown list and select. Can this also be fixed?

You are using Command interface. With Commander interface, destination always defaults to the path in an opposite file panel. Based on the way you use WinSCP, I would suggest you to use the Explorer interface (it remembers the last destination directory used):

A bit different but similar so instead of a new thread I will post here.

Sometimes (I should say often) I want to drag a file from WinSCP to the desktop (Win7 64 & portable WinSCP) and sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. This is the first problem I want to report.

When it does not wotk, I must use the F5 (Copy) and what's annoying (and probably not intended) is that it does not remember the last path I selected. Yes the path I'm looking for is in the list, but it's not showing as the default one, even if it's the last one I've selected. So I must open the dropdown list and select. Can this also be fixed?


Toly wrote:

I'm having the exact problem as well using Windows 7 64bit. Until recently I was using Vista and I never had this problem.

What version of WinSCP?

I'm having the exact problem as well using Windows 7 64bit. Until recently I was using Vista and I never had this problem.

I'm seeing this as well on WinSCP 5.0.5 beta. Opening an SFTP session in Explorer mode via a URL link (in the style sftp://username@hostname:port/path/to/dir/) results in me being unable to drag and drop files to the the file list.
I can, however, drag and drop files onto the directory names in the directory tree (on the left).

In the Commander interface, dragging and dropping to the remote file list works.

So, to sum up:

Explorer mode: Drag and drop to File list does not work, drag and drop onto the directory tree does work.

Drag&drop :O

I also have this problem i cannot drag and drop files anywhere on the program tree or no tree.

Re: WinSCP 5.05 Drag & Drop problem

Where do you drag the files from? Are you dropping then to file list or directory tree? Or both?

WinSCP 5.05 Drag & Drop problem

I have recently installed WinSCP 5.0.5 (Build 1782) on a new Win 7 machine. I use the Explorer interface. I am seeing a drag and drop problem when I drag a file TO the server; I get the black & white circle symbol with the diagonal line. I can drag a file FROM the server to a desktop directory without any problem. I can transfer files to the server OK if I use copy & paste, but not drag & drop, so I can continue to use the product, but I would like to have drag & drop capabilities.

I am using WinSCP for both SFTP and FTP sessions with different servers. In each case the behavior is identical.

Previously I have used WinSCP for a number of years, without any problems. Currently I am using WinSCP 4.2.5 (Build 624) on a Win Vista machine.

The settings for WinSCP 5.0.5 and WinSCP 4.2.5 are identical, with the drag & drop capabilities activated.

Thanks for your help with this.