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Re: "Internal error fz#connect (0010)"

martin wrote:

Please try to URL-encode the special characters:


This has fixed the issue.
Thank you very much for your help.


Re: "Internal error fz#connect (0010)"

martin wrote:

I have sent you an email with debug version.


I have attached the log file, however I had a scan through this while stripping out the security details and I may have found the issue. The password is in the format xxx/xxxxx+xx/xx

There is a line in the trace file below which would imply that 1) its seeing the slashes as directory structure for the starting directory and 2) stripping out the plus sign (although I dont actually know if its doing this in the actual password.

[1018] [SessionInfo.cpp:1143:TSessionLog::DoAddStartupInfo] Local directory: default,

Remote directory: /xxxxx xx/, Update: No, Cache: Yes


Re: "Internal error fz#connect (0010)"

I have sent you an email with debug version.

As a follow up, I have installed the latest version of WinSCP on my local machine and the issue still occurs so its not related to that.

"Internal error fz#connect (0010)"


I am trying to connect to an server via the command line interface. When I connect by specifying the host, username as password separately I can connect fine. i.e.

[code]winscp> open
Searching for host...
Connecting to host...

However when I attempt to connect using a single command line it fails

[code]winscp> open[/code]

it asks me for the username and password again, even through I have specified them in the open command, but even after putting them in it fails with the message

[quote]Internal error fz#connect (0010).[/quote]

I can connect to other ftp and sftp servers using the single command line method, its just this server. The server administrator has stated that there is nothing set up on their side to request another login.

The only other thing I can think of if its not a server configuration issue is the structure of the password. It contains forward slashes and a plus sign in the format


would this cause issues? unfortunately its a system generated password and the administrator states he cannot change this.

I am using WinSCP version 4.32. I know its not the most up to date version but we have several systems using WinSCP for automated tasks and it will take a good amount of testing (and therefore time) and it appears to be working without much problems for everything else.
