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Re: change detected but not synchronized on keepuptodate mod

Please post a full log file both from GUI and scripting showing one update.

Re: change detected but not synchronized on keepuptodate mod

Hi prikryl,

Thanks for your reply..

I just read there is a possibility caused by 'preserving timestamps',so i will check it.
but, when using GUI mode (not scripting), everythings is ok. I mean change detected and then synchronized.
so, i guess no problems with my FTP server related to 'preserving timestamps'.

is there any parameters or switches for 'preserve timestamps,preserve remote timestamps, etc' in scripting mode like on GUI mode?

change detected but not synchronized on keepuptodate mode


i have problem with /keepuptodate on scripting mode.
here is content of my scripting file, sync.bat :

option batch abort

option confirm off
open ftp://user:password@localhost:21
keepuptodate -delete c:\_Source /Destination

it works normally on add and delete file, but when the content of the file changed, winscp not sync changed file instead only tells
Change in c:\_Source detected