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Topic review


Re: Desktop-icon function doesn't work on illegal filename chars

consistency wrote:

having a ":" in my servername the "desktop icon" function doesn't work, the .lnk file can't be created.

" username" (my regular filename)

winscp creates a 0byte sized file named ""

This bug has been added to the tracker:

consistency wrote:

also breaks the "append remote path to temporary path" feature.

Does not break for me.
Do you have replacement of invalid characters enabled in preferences? (it is by default)

feature requests:
- "append remote path to temporary path" feature also adds the current session path to the servername -> this should be optional, having a deep folder structure for the sessions make the temp path unnecessary long and unreadable. the adding of the folder structure should be optional/toggleable

Please read documentation:

- a additional field session short name would be cool, so the temp path feature and the create desktop icon feature can use the shortname for name generation, if the shortname field is empty, a fallback to the regular session name should be possible.

Ok, will see if more people ask for this.

Re: Desktop-icon function doesn't work on illegal filename chars

Thanks for your posts. I'll take a look at these.

also breaks the "append remote path to temporary path" feature.

feature requests:
- "append remote path to temporary path" feature also adds the current session path to the servername -> this should be optional, having a deep folder structure for the sessions make the temp path unnecessary long and unreadable. the adding of the folder structure should be optional/toggleable
- a additional field session short name would be cool, so the temp path feature and the create desktop icon feature can use the shortname for name generation, if the shortname field is empty, a fallback to the regular session name should be possible.

Desktop-icon function doesn't work on illegal filename chars

having a ":" in my servername the "desktop icon" function doesn't work, the .lnk file can't be created.

" username" (my regular filename)

winscp creates a 0byte sized file named ""

winscp should strip/exchange illegal chars.