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Thank you. :)

I will be using the command below so it will work both in Windows XP and 7. If I don't include the -criteria switch, it only works on XP.

synchronize -criteria=size ...


Anonymous wrote:

Well, I can use size or none switch in order to work on both OS. But my question, none for me means nothing to check but it's working. Is it correct?

The "none" means that it will only synchronize files that does not exist on the other side.


Additional information:

During testing, when I add the -criteria switch in the synchronize command, here are the results:

In Windows 7, these commands don't work but work in XP:

synchronize -criteria=time ...
synchronize -criteria=either ...
synchronize -criteria=both ...

These commands work on both Windows XP and 7:

synchronize -criteria=size ...
synchronize -criteria=none ...

Well, I can use size or none switch in order to work on both OS. But my question, none for me means nothing to check but it's working. Is it correct?

Thank you. :)

Synchronize command doesn't work properly in Windows 7?


I've created a simple script below in Windows XP. It synchronizes 2 xml files to my local drive. It works properly on XP but when I copied and run it to my Windows 7 computer, the result is different.

Normally, the command synchronize downloads only the new files, but when I run it on Windows 7, it always downloads all the file even it already exists and the file date is the same. I run it several times, normally on the second run, there should be no download, but again, it downloads the files, why?

I'm using WinSCP 5.0.7 in both computer.

option batch abort

option confirm off
option transfer automatic
synchronize -filemask="*.xml | */" local "C:\test" "/test"

You will see the logfile below that on the second run, it downloads again the 2 xml files.