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I'll contact you via email.
Disposing should help.
Please set Session.DebugLogPath, try and attach the log.
The order of events in my program is as follows. I start up a thread in the ThreadPool with session.GetFiles in it, then the thread keeps working until done downloading. When I want to cancel downloading, I do a session.Dispose on the same session object, but then it still keeps working until done with downloading. After that it does dispose, but only when done downloading. I dont quite know how to tackle this situation currently, so any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated. To be sure I attached the log as you asked. Thanks.
Disposing should help.
Please set Session.DebugLogPath, try and attach the log.
How would you cancel a transfer you are doing with WinSCP.Session.GetFiles then? Simply a dispose (does not seem to work when I checked real quick)?