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same error message

I am running 5.10 build 2625 and I am receiving the same message. Trying to copy a newer version of a file system to remote where the file system already exists. The folders are in existence already. I merely want Winscp to ignore this and continue, it fails meaning I have to copy each and every sub-folder manually or use an alternative FTP client as a workaround.

I have FTP with TLS explicit encryption enabled. Win XP.

Please provide the patched version.

I replied to your email again (did awhile ago, but forgot to include original post link and also post here)

Let me know if you need anything else or just email me back.


lhungil wrote:

Alright, I've dug into this a little further. It appears this issue only occurs if you have "Synchronize browsing" enabled in 5.0.7+.

I am guessing there is some work to be done with "Synchronize browsing" still due to this bug with FTP and also since clicking either "Home Directory" or "Root Directory" with this setting enabled breaks the synchronization.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Alright, I've dug into this a little further. It appears this issue only occurs if you have "Synchronize browsing" enabled in 5.0.7+.

I am guessing there is some work to be done with "Synchronize browsing" still due to this bug with FTP and also since clicking either "Home Directory" or "Root Directory" with this setting enabled breaks the synchronization.

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

Version: 5.0.8 (build 2438) and prior 5.0.7

Same problem.
I just tried to do a local copy to a remote server that includes files & directories with "New or Newer only" checked.
Previously, it iterated through all directories and copied whatever needed inside directories as well as outside.
Now, it hangs if I try to copy a directory saying
Copying files to remote side failed.

Error creating folder '%folder'.
Can't create directory: File exists

Attached is a debug 2 log of when I tried to do a mass copy.

Re: "New and updated only" attemps to create existing folders

Thanks for your report. Can you please attach (or email me) a complete log file?

"New and updated only" attemps to create existing folders

Version: 5.0.8 (build 2438) and prior 5.0.7

When attempting to copy an entire directory + contents to a remote server via FTP the error message "Copying files to remote side failed. Error creating folder ..." is encountered when the folder specified already exists.

Interestingly, WinSCP iterates over the contents of the folder, updates the contents of the folder, and then tries to create the folder.... hmmm....