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No, this doesn't change the linebreak-style.
Still, when I open a unix-file it is shown as windows-linebreak in EditPad Pro, which just detects, what linebreak-style the file has. So it must be saved in temp as windows-linebreak-file by WinSCP even with:

Force text transfer mode for files edited in external editor DISABLED

UNIX-style-linebreaks on Windows with own Editor


I am using the actual WinSCP Version 5.1.0 on Windows XP SP3 (32).
I use as Editor, my own EditPad Pro with multiple Tab Window.

When I edit a file from my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server with EditPad Pro, WinSCP downloads the file to a local temp diretory and passes it to EditPad Pro, taking control over changes and passing them to the server.
Unfortunately WinSCP changes the linebreak system to Windows-Style (CR+LF means x0D x0A), when it was unix-style (LF, only x0A).

Is there a way to keep the original linebreak system of the files?
I don't find any setting about this in the Editors Preferences or else:

Maybe this is a bug?

Thank you.


EDIT 2012-11-01:
I think I was wrong! The file with unix-style linebreak is shown in my editor as file with windows-style linebreaks, because it is windows-style-linebreaked on my windows temp dir.
But when I save it via WinSCP, on the Ubuntu Server it is still saved with unix-linebreaks (0A only, not 0A0D).
WinSCP remembers and will reuse the linebreak-style, when downloading a file to edit it, I guess.

With this behaviour I won't be able to change the linebreak style with my own editor through WinSCP, but I think normally this won't be necessary.

So this is not a bug, only maybe a missing feature (e.g.: "Pass linebreak-style of own editor through WinSCP"), which likely nobody misses :)