not sure if possibly a known bug or not - I seem to recall seeing it for older versions as well in the 5 series. I've seen this for quite some time now, but not reported it, since I figured such a serious bug must surely be spotted? But I've not found any references when searching.
What happens is, after doing a refresh (ctrl+R or mouse), then selecting a range of files, Winscp selects *all* files from the top of the listing. This is potentially *very* dangerous if you for instance do delete after doing Shift+DownArrow to select two files.
- Focus remote listing
- Do refresh (ctrl+r/button)
- Select a range of files with Shift+click, Shift+Arrow Key.
- All files to top of listing is selected.
EDIT: Also occurs on Local panel.
This is on both Win7, Win2008 server and Win2003 server that I've managed to recreate it. Possibly affects all other OS.
Hope this can be fixed in 5.2 final?