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Topic review


I really appreciate this one. 10q

I didn't meant the documentation explains why it does that. I just meant it says it does it :)

Anyway, added to the tracker:

Yes, I have read that section of the Help several times.
I can't say it is clear what the purpose is of the "Cache visited remote directories" is.
It only says that is stores file listing and that it is temporary.
Maybe the description is not complete. So this still doesn't explain what caching has to do with the pane refresh.
So, I don't want to cache anything because other people are also remotely working on this folder, i.e. I want WinSCP to re-read file/folder contents as frequently as possible. And I also want to see my changes immediately.
So how do I do that?

Yes, sir.
But this looks like a bug to me.
Why would caching have anything to do with file edit? Caching or not, I have edited this file and it has been saved remotely. This is an explicit change and WinSCP is aware of that. For what reason would anyone not want to view that change has happened?
Even more, I observe this pane to make sure that when I save the file, the changed content was successfully transferred.
I would rather understand it like, if caching is on, than it wouldn't refresh - sounds more logical, but actually I demand from WinSCP that it always reads and refreshes, so my caching is off.

Re: [BUG] Saving a file does not cause remote pane refresh

This happens, if you turn off directory contents caching for the session. Is it the case?

[BUG] Saving a file does not cause remote pane refresh

Version 5.2.2 beta
I 2-click a file from my SFTP session and edit it.
After I save the file, it is saved on the server, but the file list on the remote pane does not refresh to show me the updated date/time of last file change.

Expected: The file list should refresh. Also if I am sorting on column "Changed", the file should properly sort and got to top/bottom of list.