Done - submitted in a new post:
- braykov
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
just now I noticed. Do this one: open WinSCP, select workspace and login.
Now go to a dark-grey tab that is not connected. Right-click and select Disconnect. (no debug log needed)
Enjoy :-)
WinSCP login dialog starts with the last workspace selected. So you are always just one click away from opening your last workspace. But this approach allows you to pick any other workspace if you wish.
But how is that logical? It sounds very confusing to me.
Anyway, I played a bit with workspaces and some strange things happen (incl. Invalid access to memory) - but of course this is a beta.
- Auto-load - meaning only one of all saved workspaces can be marked as default. So upon opening of WinSCP, the default workspace is opened. But do not make a workspace default even if there is only one created. If there are no defaults, upon opening WinSCP to open the login window as usual. Keep this option un-checked by default.
- Auto-save - meaning when this workspace is loaded/opened, WinSCP will save it when it closes. So sessions would be added or removed from this workspace automatically. Keep this option un-checked by default.