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Re: Windows 7 removed Winscp and now I can't reinstall it

I tried to reinstall it. An account without root privileges breaks down because it can't create the necessary directories, and running it under root ("admin") just don't even start running.

Can you try to run installer with /log=path_to_log_file and attach the log here?

E.g. winscp527setup.exe /log=c:\users\username\desktop\winscp527setup.log

download the zip archive, and unzip wherever you want - your Desktop or My Documents if you want, and launch from there. You don't actually need to run an installer - only thing it does is add some registry entries and creates a nice shortcut, something you can easily do yourself.


Windows 7 removed Winscp and now I can't reinstall it

Windows7 removed Winscp and now I can't reinstall it.

I don't know if it was a virus problem (this is a computer I seldom use) but Winscp vanished from the control panel.

I tried to reinstall it. An account without root privileges breaks down because it can't create the necessary directories, and running it under root ("admin") just don't even start running.

What's happening? Some stupid anti-virus program thinks this is a virus?