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Topic review


Awesome, thanks!

WinUser3 wrote:

I hope you can add in a preference setting for this as the shift thing is also not ideal. I prefer to launch my sessions directly from the start menu.

This request has been added to the tracker:

Thanks for your explanation. Will consider this.

I dislike the background because in the taskbar I can only see at a glance how far along 1 session's transfers are. If I can have multiple WinSCP windows open I can see how each session is doing in the taskbar.

I hope you can add in a preference setting for this as the shift thing is also not ideal. I prefer to launch my sessions directly from the start menu.

Re: In 5.2.x how do I get sessions to open in different windows?

WinUser3 wrote:

I know about the background option but prefer not to use it.


How can I get the old behavior of opening multiple WinSCP windows/instances?

Hold down Shift key while opening an additional session.

In 5.2.x how do I get sessions to open in different windows?

I just upgraded to the RC from 5.1.8 and find now it wants to open all my servers in the same WinSCP instance using the session tabs. But this is no good because if I do a transfer the UI blocks on it until it finishes. I know about the background option but prefer not to use it. How can I get the old behavior of opening multiple WinSCP windows/instances?