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Re: Benefits of using NET Assembly as opposed to just Powershell

jsb2210 wrote:

I was wondering if I could get some reasons as to why the .NET Assembly with Winscp is better to use than Winscp and PowerShell? I have been scripting in PowerShell for a little while, but I'm not a coder or developer.

In you skip WinSCP .NET assembly, you need to code in PowerShell all the the assembly does: Running WinSCP process, feeding its input, capturing and interpreting its output, detecting crashes, errors, etc.

Benefits of using NET Assembly as opposed to just Powershell

I was wondering if I could get some reasons as to why the .NET Assembly with Winscp is better to use than Winscp and PowerShell? I have been scripting in PowerShell for a little while, but I'm not a coder or developer.