[RESOVED] with workaround
I had to integrate a filetransfer in a VB6-Component and catched the OutputDataReceived-Event.
When Substring "(A)bort" was part of the message-content, I send a Abort-call
When Substring "(A)bort" was part of the message-content, I send a Abort-call
Private Sub oSession_OutputDataReceived(ByVal sender As Variant, ByVal e As WinSCPnet.OutputDataReceivedEventArgs)
Dim lMsg$
lMsg = e
If InStr(lMsg, oOption.Password) Then lMsg = Subst(lMsg, oOption.Password, String(10, "*"))
If InStr(lMsg, "(A)bort") Then
End If
Debug.Print Timer, "Session_OutputDataReceived", lMsg
End Sub