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I'm running the latest version of WinSCP under Linux using Wine and it works great!

martin wrote:

WinSCP is open source

I meant in the sense of open source project that can involve multiple developers collaborating.
In that case also maybe Qt transition will be possible/easier.

braykov wrote:

The real practical solution I see to this is open-sourcing the application and rewriting it with Qt.

WinSCP is open source (have always been). Rewriting it to Qt is inconceivable task.

The real practical solution I see to this is open-sourcing the application and rewriting it with Qt.

Re: Kickstarter project for a Linux porting

Thanks for your suggestion. The problem is not money, but time :)

WinSCP is the most advanced and powerful tool I've never used for file transfer,
the main use for me is editing server configuration files, it make it very easy.
It has some features you don't find in other applications (for example sudo su -)

I think the clue why it might never happen is in the name, i.e. *Win*-SCP 8)

For Mac there's plenty of GUI file transfer Applications (Cyberduck, Transmit, Filezilla), and for Linux there's sure to be heaps as well, mostly built into the OS, like KDE or Gnome.

Personally the big feature of WinSCP is the Commander Interface - and certainly I would like to see it ported to other platforms, I just don't see how it would get enough people interested...

Kickstarter project for a Linux porting

I see that there are many requests for a Linux/Mac OS X porting of WinSCP,
and I'd like to see WinSCP running on my Linux box.

Why not start a kickstarter project to support this porting?