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Re: Why WinSCP delete my remote iles after editing and stay in queue

leomore wrote:

Why WinSCP delete my remote iles after editing and stay in queue

Sorry, I do not understand. Would you please start a new topic (as this does not seem to be related) and include a detailed problem description?

Why WinSCP delete my remote iles after editing and stay in queue

Why WinSCP delete my remote iles after editing and stay in queue

Oh, didnt find it. Yes, good!
Thank you :)

Now we are on 5.7.5 but it still is not implemented yet. Will it ever be?
Or is it dropped?
EDIT: or is it maybe already in some test version I could test?
I only need this feature sometimes, but then it is crucial and the only way to stop the queue is to kill WinSCP, not very elegant :(

franc wrote:

It is not visible in the test version 5.6.0 (Build 3977) which you sent me.

It's not implemented yet, see the tracker. I just wrote that it definitely won't make it to 5.5.x branch.

It is not visible in the test version 5.6.0 (Build 3977) which you sent me.

franc wrote:

martin wrote:

I understand that Cancel All command is needed. Will add it...
Not yet in WinSCP 5.5.1 or don't I find it?

This will go to 5.6 the soonest.

martin wrote:

I understand that Cancel All command is needed. Will add it...
Not yet in WinSCP 5.5.1 or don't I find it?

You absolutely right, I don't ment suspend, I mean cancel!
Great if you do this, this will be goodly feature and is very straight forward in using WinSCP.



I understand that Cancel All command is needed. Will add it.

But you talk (also) about Suspend All, what is like "pause", not "delete". And there's no need to "pause" transfers that are not transferring yet.

martin wrote:

The files that are not being transferred does not have to be suspended...
They all should be suspended!
In the forum entry based to tracker-id 602 it is described (under 1. wish of Topic "Some very missing features") as I hope that it would be:

If I have (by mistake) made a big list to transfer, e.g. 500 files, the user needs a way to stop and delete this whole list with a few clicks (and not 1500 clicks).
At the moment only restarting WinSCP does this.

Look, this happens, when I have a long list and I go to All / Cancel:

See attachment "Transfer List".

Only the actual transferred files get suspended, all the "Waiting" are untouched.

When I quit WinSCP I get this:

See Attachment "Quit WinSCP"

This should be possible without quitting WinSCP.

Clear now?

franc wrote:

How can I suspend more than the actually transferred files?
If I suspend all, only the files in the list are paused, which are transferred at the moment, not the whole list.
This is why 'suspend all' suspend only a few.

The files that are not being transferred does not have to be suspended. Am I missing something?

Yes, exactly, this is already in the tracker!
No 602
You right.
Would be nice feature, sometimes nasty to restart just to clear the whole transfer list

How can I suspend more than the actually transferred files?
If I suspend all, only the files in the list are paused, which are transferred at the moment, not the whole list.
This is why 'suspend all' suspend only a few.

franc wrote:

I have the context menu "All / Suspend all", but this does only suspend the actual donw/uploading files. If I have 200 files in the queue, at one time only 5 transfers ("Maximal number of transfers at the same time: 5"), only these 5 get paused, only these 5 I can delete then at a time, not all the 200 in the list.

I do not understand. You can use Cancel on either ongoing, suspended and waiting transfer.

franc wrote:

Thank you.
I wanted to know how to kill the whole queue, not only one download/upload.
Could it be possible to implement a context menu like 'cancel all' (or 'pause all' and then maybe the menu entry cancel queue)?

Ok, I see. This is tracked here:

I have the context menu "All / Suspend all", but this does only suspend the actual donw/uploading files. If I have 200 files in the queue, at one time only 5 transfers ("Maximal number of transfers at the same time: 5"), only these 5 get paused, only these 5 I can delete then at a time, not all the 200 in the list.
So only these 5 I can reach with the menu command:

Commands / Queue / Cancel

My suggestion is this:

Another entry in the submenu "All", in both, in the context menu "All" and in the submenu "Commands / Queue / All".
The name of this entry: "Delete all" (there is yet only "Delete All Completed").
The result of this command: all suspended or active transfers are stopped and deleted from the list. No more transfer is ongoing anymore. The same result, if I quit WinSCP and restart it, that is at the moment the only doable way, when you have 200 files in the list.

Thank you.

Thank you.
I wanted to know how to kill the whole queue, not only one download/upload.
Could it be possible to implement a context menu like 'cancel all' (or 'pause all' and then maybe the menu entry cancel queue)?

Re: Delete Download Queue

Select the transfer to cancel and go to Commands > Queue > Cancel.
The command is also available in queue context menu and toolbar.
You can also press Del key.

If you can image an easier way, suggestions are welcome.

Delete Download Queue


how can I abort a download and delete with few clicks the background queue?

If I close WinSCP I can do it, then I get:

There are still some background transfers in queue. Do you want to
disconnect anyway?

Warning: Pressing 'OK' will terminate all transfers immediatelly.

But how can I do this without closing WinSCP?

I am on WinSCP 5.5.0

