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Re: MGET functionality??

Hi, I have the same problem and I solve it doing a sinchorize and a mask including the wildcards i need.

Many thanks! I will give that a try!


  1. Klaus is right
  2. You can also download whole directory, if it helps in your case. I.e. instead of "get /tmp/aaa/* c:\aaa" do "get /tmp/aaa c:\"
  3. I'll add wildcards to get command eventually.

If you really need ALL the files, you could use "synchronize local" instead of mget. (had the same problem, now using "synchronize local").

MGET functionality??

Newbie here...

I am trying to use WinSCP in an ActiveX script inside a SQL 2000 DTS package. I currently have the automation and scripting running successfully as a DTS job. The problem is that I do not see any functionality for an "mget" command. I need to grab all the files in a dir on a SFTP server every night for processing. These files will have names that are date/time stamped by the other party, so I will not always know the specific filenames.

I have read the FAQ and searched, but can't seem to find the answer. The FAQ shows the allowed commands but doesn't include "mget". I am wondering if I am just missing it somewhere.

If it isn't available now, will it be available in the future?

