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Re: Synchronize using filemask

That's still pretty vague. Do you want to download only the latest UNL file or all new UNL files? Do you want to clone the remote directory structure locally or not? What are the "daily" subdirectories? Can you somehow identify the correct subfolder to use (by a name or a timestamp)? Or do you need to scan all subfolders each time to find the latest UNL file?

Synchronize using filemask

On the SFTP site is a /vox folder which has daily subdirectories built containing various files, one of which is a *.UNL file that I'm interested in.

It doesn't have to be a synchronize command, all I want to do is pick up the new UNL file and copy it to a local directory for processing.

Re: Synchronize using filemask

So what is your code the the "another download"? What files are it downloading that it should not? Log file?

Synchronize using filemask

I'm using the below to copy various files down from a SFTP site. The first line works fine in that it ignores subdirectories
synchronize local -filemask="*.pdf";"| */" C:\Root\Folder /folder

However for another download I want to pick up files within subdirectories but download all to the same folder, e.g., C:\Root\Folder. At the moment it's downloading the whole file structure which I don't want.