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Re: Trigger update of current remote directory when changing directories

martin wrote:

If I understand your question correctly, you want to turn of directory caching, right?

Perfect. It didn't occur to me to look outside of Preferences. Thank you!

Trigger update of current remote directory when changing directories

Is it possible to make WinSCP trigger a refresh (like Ctrl+R) whenever you change directory in the remote pane? Or would this be bad to do, because of too many triggers when you change directories too many times in succession, or something like that?

I suppose I could just set it to refresh automatically with a short interval, but most of the time, I don't need that. However, it would be nice if any time you change directories, you could be sure that it's up-to-date without manually triggering a refresh.

Apologies if this question has an obvious answer - I'm quite new to the software.