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Re: auto upload FTP ssl

martin wrote:

Sorry, but this is not a code writing service.

What part of the task do you have a problem with?

Thanks for the reply and I apologize for that, I would like to know if this program can do what I mentioned above, thanks for help

Re: auto upload FTP ssl

Sorry, but this is not a code writing service.

What part of the task do you have a problem with?

auto upload FTP ssl

Hello everyone, I would like to make a script to automate my work.

This script should be checked at each new file in a directory and upload it in the ftp server, but when I'd like to upload the script to create a folder with the filename you want to send, such as: new dir filetest (with no extension) and within this folder there must be the file. in this case Thank you so much for those who can help me