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cag8f wrote:

Changing to winscp.exe improves it, but this time a Windows command prompt window is open during the process, instead of

But that has nothing to do with WinSCP.
Does your batch file do anything else apart from running WinSCP?
If not, skip the batch file and run WinSCP directly.
Otherwise, see

Whoops, sorry--I thought that line was part of your signature. Changing to winscp.exe improves it, but this time a Windows command prompt window is open during the process, instead of No worries, I think I can live with it or re-visit it if it becomes an issue. I read in another forum that if I schedule a Windows Task to run the BAT file on a regular basis, a window will not appear--I'll test that.

Thanks for the help.

Ah of course, my mistake.
is used to open an SFTP connection. It is the statement in my BAT file:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /script=htaccess-script.txt

that needs to be edited (if possible) so that runs in the background. Any ideas how to do that off the top of your head?

Re: Can I run the "open" command such that the window is not visible?

The open does not open any window. It's mere starting of the that causes Windows to create a console window (as the is a console application).

If you do not want the console window, use the winscp.exe instead:

Can I run the "open" command such that the window is not visible?

Hi all. I'm just getting started with WinSCP scripting, and have a question about the open command. When I run this command, it opens a visible window. But is it possible to run this command such that the window is not visible? I'd like to run a small script in the background that does not interfere/distract the user. The script downloads a small file via SFTP.

If this is not possible with open, might there be another approach I could take to achieve what I want?

Thanks in advance.