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Re: Put command - upload files within a folder but not the folder itself

You are missing a star (a file mask):

/command "open ftp://user:pass@ftp server" "put C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\Upload\* /" "exit"


If you are using the latest version of WinSCP, you should actually get a hint about this in console output (and in the log):

Selecting files using a path ending with slash is ambiguous. Remove the slash to select the folder. Append * mask to select all files in the folder.

Put command - upload files within a folder but not the folder itself


I'm trying to use the PUT command to upload the contents of a folder into the root folder of my ftp server, but not the folder itself. Basically I want the entire contents of the folder to go directly into the root folder of the FTP. This is what I tried to do:

/command "open ftp://user:pass@ftp server" "put C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\Upload\ /" "exit"

What am I missing?

Thank you.