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Re: put latest and delete

For upload (and delete), use put not synchronize:

put -delete "C:\Program Files\Sensus\UMSDataExport\Beacon\thefile" /datasync/pending/

To move to archive use:

mv /datasync/pending/thefile /archive/thefile

put latest and delete

Need help with a script. I need to copy a file from a local source to an ftp site, then delete it from the local source. I then need to move the file on the ftp site from a pending folder to an archive folder. I have this running on a schedule but it moves all the files from the local directory. Tried doing multiple lines with put -delete as well.

option batch abort
option confirm off

open ############## -hostkey="#########################"

synchronize remote -delete "C:\Program Files\Sensus\UMSDataExport\Beacon" /datasync/pending
