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Topic review


Thanks Martin, that works nice!

You have to upgrade to the latest version of WinSCP.

I'm not seeing the script tab. I only see the Generate URL option. how do I get tot he Script Tab to generate the WinSCP script?

Re: searching for host

In GUI, you are using SOCKS5 proxy. In scripting you are connecting directly.

Have WinSCP GUI generate a script file template with proxy settings for you:

here are the logs

Re: searching for host

Show us a complete session log file both from GUI and the script.

Searching for host in script, but works in GUI

Trying to connect to an SFTP site using a bat file that calls a script.
I'm able to connect via the WinSCP GUI but when launching the bat file, a DOS screen tells me "searching for host" then closes with out connecting.
Here's the script file I'm using: What do I have wrong?
option batch abort
option confirm off
open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa-9e-c2-dd-6d-86-a6-30-56-9d-ea-99-de-ff-c3-5f-2d"
synchronize remote \\amna1wgraapx01\apx$\rep\jpmDailyReports\ /advent