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werewhelk wrote:

Edit: I've found the solution. You need to use the TunnelPasswordPlain= setting.

Je n'ai pas réussi... peut tu m'expliquer comment tu as fait stp? Merci
(my english is terrible, how do you do please?)

I found this post while trying to do the same thing (non-interactive start of a session through a tunnel).

It almost works, but I'm still getting prompted for the password for the tunnel host.

I tried using TunnelPassword= but this doesn't seem to do anything.
I've tried it both with a cleartext password and also using the encrypted string lifted straight from the INI file.

Does anyone have a solution, or am I just being dumb?

Edit: I've found the solution. You need to use the TunnelPasswordPlain= setting.

SFTP via SSH tunnel with only WinSCP command line?

is it possible to access an SFTP server via an SSH tunnel by using the WinSCP command line tools?

I do not want to use PuTTY or any other tools to set up the tunnel ahead of time.

WinSCP allows selecting a tunnel in the GUI, but I can not configure it for command line usage.
Tried for hours with ini files and scripts...

Can anyone help?