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okay, i am new to this.

new file is defined as something that is not currently stored in the folder. Yes, i do keep the files although i can imagine this isn't the best way as it will get overloaded with time.

how do i get powershell to work with this?

You didn't explain much, really.

How do you want to identify the new files? By comparing them against files you already have in a local folder (do you keep them)? Or by timestamp?

Do you really want to download only "latest file" (one) or whole "new batch of files"?

Did you read this?

So this FTP folder has a new batch of files every day, at 4am EST.

What i want to do here is to be able to download it automatically (only the latest file) to my local drive.

How do i write this script?

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Re: [HELP] Need to download from FTP everyday at 4am EST, only the most recent file.

Sorry, but this is way too vague.
Do you have any specific problem with this task?

[HELP] Need to download from FTP everyday at 4am EST, only the most recent file.

Hi, I have an FTP that has a new file everyday at 4am EST.

I need to automate this such that it downloads automatically. how do i do this?