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Re: question about amazon s2 sftp

If you follow the instructions on a fresh AWS instance, does it work? It does for me.

Re: question about amazon s2 sftp

Yes, I have a website with files loaded on S3 bucket.
Now using WinSCP is so convenient, it also can upload only the changed files.
So I followed the instruction, I was expecting to see the files I have already uploaded in the /mnt/<my bucket> folder. I don't see them

martin wrote:

That's quite unclear.
Did you upload a file to S3 bucket using WinSCP (using S3 protocol)?
And then you have mounted the same S3 bucket to an AWS Linux server using s3fs?

Re: question about amazon s2 sftp

Yes, I have a website with files loaded on S3 bucket.

Now using WinSCP is so convenient, it also can upload only the changed files.

So I followed the instruction, I was expecting to see the files I have already uploaded in the /mnt/<my bucket> folder. I don't see them

Re: question about amazon s2 sftp

That's quite unclear.
Did you upload a file to S3 bucket using WinSCP (using S3 protocol)?
And then you have mounted the same S3 bucket to an AWS Linux server using s3fs?

question about amazon s2 sftp

Friends, I am new so please excuse if this is too basic!
I want to copy files from my machine to my bucket on S3 Amazon using WinSCP
I followed the instructions completely as mentioned here:

So my expectation was that if I do
cd /mnt/<my bucket>
I would see my currently uploaded file. Am I understanding it right? but I am seeing no files in this directory.

Is the mount done right? How do I verify?