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Re: SQL Server Job Access Denied

Anonymous wrote:

martin wrote:

Can you post an exact error message? How do you capture that error? "access denied" can mean lot of very different thing depending on what component does raise the error.

Sorry hope this helps.
Executed as user: xxxxxxxxx. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x07E8CC299BB59A4C8EB92939C686A292 (reason: Access is denied). The step failed.

I would log onto the server using the account that is used to run SQL Server Agent and run the scripts or commands for WinSCP to determine the issue that you have. SQL Server Agent log errors can sometimes be very generic.

Re: SQL Server Job Access Denied

Executed as user: xxxxxxxxx. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x07E8CC299BB59A4C8EB92939C686A292 (reason: Access is denied). The step failed.

That looks like your C# application cannot even be started. It does not look like the problem has anything to do with WinSCP. Or do you have any reason to believe otherwise?

Re: SQL Server Job Access Denied

martin wrote:

Can you post an exact error message? How do you capture that error? "access denied" can mean lot of very different thing depending on what component does raise the error.

Sorry hope this helps.
Executed as user: xxxxxxxxx. The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x07E8CC299BB59A4C8EB92939C686A292 (reason: Access is denied). The step failed.

Re: SQL Server Job Access Denied

Can you post an exact error message? How do you capture that error? "access denied" can mean lot of very different thing depending on what component does raise the error.

SQL Server Job Access Denied

I have written a simple c# automation using winscp API to download a file from one of our SFTP sites. I have had to do this on a daily basis manually as I am struggling to get the automation to work. I had tried running the exe from SQL Job but get access denied message. I can run the exe simply by doubling clicking on it and all is fine. I am sure that the permissions are in place but still struggling to get the automation sorted and getting the access denied message.

Can you please suggest how to get this working?

Thank you