Re: Trying to automate winscp from an SQL server DTS script
Also see guide to using WinSCP from DTS/SSIS.
I also am trying to perform a SFTP transfer from a DTS package. Using another product I can get it to work in DTS design mode, but when it runs as a scheduled job it just hangs. I believe it is to do with the threading model used. Did you get it to work using DTS?
In regards to my last post, it's in response to the problem in getting the DTS package to run via a job. It works with one destination server we have. However, I'm having the same "Host has not answered for 15 seconds" problem as someone else mentioned. I can't figure out how to get around this! Anyone figure it out?
Does it work if you execute the very same script regularly (not from DTS)?
option batch on
option confirm off
open user@somewhere
cd /in/
option transfer binary
put C:\WinSCP3\test.txt
option batch on
option confirm off
cd /in
option transfer binary
put E:\data\test.csv