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Topic review


It works! Thanks very much for your help :D

Sorry, you are right. Following mask will do:
Shorter, but less precious form is:

That works for the 'public_html' directory and any immediate subdirectories, but will not match any subdirectories deeper than one level, for example:


The preset it not matched to 'subdir2' when it is browsed to, not will any of its subdirectories of any depth. I wish it to apply to any depth.

For this you need to specify two masks:

martin wrote:

IAmAI wrote:

However, I can tell you that I used the Current button, which does procede the current directory with a backwards slash.

Are you sure with the "backward" slash? For remote directory?

Also, what are you tring to do? "Current" button is on transfer setting autoselection mask. So I suppose you play with it. The mask there is not supposed to select file, but directories.

No, sorry; I mean forward slash. I am trying to select directories: I want to select all the subdirectories of any depth within 'public_html' and the 'public_html' directory itself.

IAmAI wrote:

However, I can tell you that I used the Current button, which does procede the current directory with a backwards slash.

Are you sure with the "backward" slash? For remote directory?

Also, what are you tring to do? "Current" button is on transfer setting autoselection mask. So I suppose you play with it. The mask there is not supposed to select file, but directories.

Actually, I didn't specify the exact directory I am trying to use - I didn't feel it necessary to reveal the directory structure of the server I'm connecting to (and I also described it as an 'example). However, I can tell you that I used the Current button, which does procede the current directory with a backwards slash.

Re: Masks

I guess you miss at least leading slash:



I am completely failing to comprehend how masks are supposed to work with transfer presets. Example:

Why, oh why, does the above mask not match any file, within any subdirectory of any depth? It seems logical to me that it should do. Are slashes excluded from applying to *? Please can someone tell me what string I must use in order for the preset to apply to any file a copy to the public_html directory and within any of its subdirectories of any depth? I have tried all sorts and nothing does what I would logically expect nor what I'd like it do. I have read the Masks page, however that has not helped.