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Re: troubles using "mv" moving folders to network path.

I think mv is only move on remotesite.

Re: troubles using "mv" moving folders to network path.

I'm pretty sure that \\ess-raddon\e\phonecalls is not a valid path.
Open the folder in the remote panel of WinSCP GUI and use the exact syntax you see on the top of the file panel.
Greg LeBlanc

troubles using "mv" moving folders to network path.

My script
option batch abort
option confirm off
open connection
mv "*.*" \\\\ess-raddon\\e\\phonecalls\\\*\.\*

fails and gives

Error moving file 'BUS4596555' to '\\ess-raddon\e\phonecalls\*.*'.
No such file or directory.
Error code: 2

Is it because i'm trying to move folds and not files?