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Re: command sync filemask for single file does not work for me

You cannot easily restrict synchronization to a file in a subfolder. You would have to include the subfolder and exclude all other files in the subfolder. What can be inconvenient.

Easier to add another synchronize command rooted to the subfolder with include mask set to the file.

command sync filemask for single file does not work for me

I wish to sync a single file and then some folders
But no matter what option i tried , the file is never included
I tired full local path , remote path with * for folders
The last try that didnt worked :
winscp /command "open sftp://user1:1234@" "synchronize remote C:\localPublish\Test_MP\PackageTmp /C:/tst_inetpub/wwwroot/Test_MPP -criteria=size,timestamp -transfer=binary -filemask=*/bin/*.cshtml;Views/" "exit" /defaults

Only Views folder is been synced

and all sorts of combinations
I am lost
What am i doing wrong ?