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Topic review


Yes, you can save the commands to .txt.

But the point is that you then specify WinSCP.exe as the program to execute in the scheduler. As the article says:
* Browse for WinSCP.exe executable.

And use arguments like /script=C:\path\to\script.txt /log=C:\path\to\script.log /ini=nul

Or you can use the /command and specify the commands directly on WinSCP command-line. But that may not be convenient, providing the small box in the scheduler.

fairudyn wrote:

Hi I believe you would save your script as a .txt file. Then you will need to create a batch script to trigger your .txt file.

For example the script you listed you saved it as upload index.txt

THen you will need to create a .bat file from a notepad and save it as upload index.bat

On your task scheduler under the Actions Tab
Select Start a Program
And browse to your .bat script

You can leave Add arguments and Start in blank

That is what I was planning on doing, but the windows machine doesn't recognize the commands like cd or open that the unix machine does, so I'm not sure how to fix that in my script.

Hi I believe you would save your script as a .txt file. Then you will need to create a batch script to trigger your .txt file.

For example the script you listed you saved it as upload index.txt

THen you will need to create a .bat file from a notepad and save it as upload index.bat

On your task scheduler under the Actions Tab
Select Start a Program
And browse to your .bat script

You can leave Add arguments and Start in blank

Task Scheduler/Scripting Basics Help

Hello, I'm very new to scripting. The underlying principles I understand, it's just the syntax I need some help on. All I need to do is create a task in the Task Scheduler that reuploads the same file from my computer to my Linux server every 30 minutes, essentially just overwriting it. I was reading over this article but got confused when it started talking about the arguments. Could someone tell me what exactly I need to type in the add arguments box in order to get it to upload the file to linux? I downloaded a script from WinSCP that I believe should accomplish this, just need to know how to translate that into the Scheduler arguments.

open s -hostkey="hostkey=" -privatekey="C:\Users\privatekeypath" -passphrase="password" -rawsettings Cipher="aes,chacha20,3des,WARN,des,blowfish,arcfour" ConsiderDST=0

lcd "C:\Users\filepath\"
cd /usr/java/linuxpath/

put index.jsp
