when there are files to be skipped winscp gives quite a wrong estimation of the remaining time
In the linked image it is listing 4 days remaining after taking 17 mins to copy 75% (and the last 25% was all skipped files so went by in about 4 mins)
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I was copying a few Gb of data, told winscp to only copy newer. - out of the several thousand files, only a small number need updating.
It looks like when winscp skips a file it doesn't subtract the size of the file from the "total amount to be transferred" - that way if i copy 1 mb at 1 mb/s , and then skip the next 99 mb (taking 9 seconds to do so), it would estimate that the remaining 100mb will take 1000 seconds (10 seconds to transfer 1mb)
potentially better estimation methods:
[list=]1mb per second transferred while active, 100mb=100 seconds;
100 mb in 10 seconds, 100mb=another 10; (probably best - that automatically takes care of the individual file transfer overhead ignored below without having to note when you actually are and are not transferring data, as above.
I'm skipping 99% of the data, and copying at 1mb/s, so 100mb should take 1 second
Either way, saying you have 4 days left, when the first 75% of the data took 17 mins is possibly wrong.
to get that image i had skipped about 50G of data -- (win scp seems slow when copying a large number of files (12k from the one folder), but thats a quibble, not a bug) -- the actual copying speed in that example was about 4000k/s. )
win_scp build 721, on win_xp connecting to a generic linux-x86_64 server, using SFTP
edit - "disable bbcode in this post" is not checked - it still doesn't do the img link or list.