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Topic review


CraigHylton wrote:

the encryption field that's in the advance setting within the login screen is missing. the file will not decrypt once encrypted. According to research that encryption has to be turn on in this field for the files to be decoded! Can you tell me why that field is missing

See EncryptKeyPlain:

Easier is to have WinSCP GUI generate the script template for you:

the encryption field that's in the advance setting within the login screen is missing. the file will not decrypt once encrypted. According to research that encryption has to be turn on in this field for the files to be decoded! Can you tell me why that field is missing

Re: decryption

Sorry, that's too vague.
What is "garbage"? How do you expect the files to look like instead? Do you have any reason to believe that the files were modified by WinSCP? did you make sure that WinSCP uses the binary mode? Why do you use get followed by put?


Got the authentication done on the batch script ran the script but when the files were copied from the sftp server to the desired server the files were garbage. What do I need to do decrypt the file. syntax "get *.*" "Put '//server/e$/file path/*.*'"

Re: Keyboard authentication Error

Can you authenticate to the server anyhow? Using WinSCP GUI? Using any other SSH/SFTP client?

Keyboard authentication Error

I tried to log into the on the command prompt but when prompted to enter the password I get this: Access denied.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
How do I get pass this stage