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Topic review


Re: Users Id Active or not active

I do not think it is really possible.

Re: Users Id Active or not active

martin wrote:

What users? Local (Windows) users or server users?

local (Windows) users

Re: Users Id Active or not active

What users? Local (Windows) users or server users?

Re: Users Id Active or not active

martin wrote:

I'm not sure what you exactly mean by "active or not active".
But that's probably not something an SFTP/FTP client is the right tool for.

I mean is there any script for knowing if there are users no longer using winscp for a long time..

Re: Users Id Active or not active

I'm not sure what you exactly mean by "active or not active".
But that's probably not something an SFTP/FTP client is the right tool for.
Deny Christian

Users Id Active or not active

Hello Expert,
kindly help me, are there any Scrips to know whether users active or not active using winscp ?