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Re: Error Message reads " Cannot overwrite file '/etc/init.d/ " ... Where is SSH on the Tree?

This is not really a WinSCP question. Please ask at site about your NAS or Samba.

Error Message reads " Cannot overwrite file '/etc/init.d/ " ... Where is SSH on the Tree?

While following suggested steps ( to use SFTP and edit Samba configuration file and change "SMB v1 to SMB v2" to fix a Buffalo NAS, I'm getting the message "Error Message reads: " Cannot overwrite file '/etc/init.d/' ..... Permission Denied / Error Code 3 / Error Message from Server:Permission Denied / Press "Delete" to Delete the File and Create New One instead of overwriting it."
I found only one possible fix that suggests to "Attempt GSSAPI authentication" in the "Advanced Site Settings" by default"........ Unfortunately I cannot locate a SSH Tree in winscp 5.15.9, and I am not a coder who is well versed in this language.
Any suggestions (simple?) would be appreciated!